Clinician Investigator Program

Goals & Objectives


Apply for the Clinician Investigator Program

Graduate Studies

Must be enrolled in Residency and M.Sc. or Ph.D. program. You must complete the Post-Graduate Studies option form if you already have a graduate degree.

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Post-Graduate Studies

Must have completed a graduate program (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) before undertaking CIP. You must complete the Graduate Studies option form, if you intend to enroll in a graduate program.

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Our Program

The primary goal of the CIP is to foster the development of clinician investigators by providing a formal postgraduate medical education pathway that fulfils the existing specialty/subspecialty requirements of the Royal College and provides, in addition, a minimum of two years of structured rigorous research training.

The Faculty, University Departments and Divisions as well as Research Institutes are committed to providing the appropriate financial and physical resources to encourage residents registered in the CIP to become clinician investigators.

Visit the Faculty’s Research webpage to discover the research opportunities at the Faculty –

Visit the Royal College Web site to get details on the specific academic requirements of the CIP at: Specific Standards of Accreditation for Residency Programs

Contact Us For More Information

If you are currently enrolled in a residency program or plan to apply in the near future, and wish to obtain more details, contact the Director of the CIP, Dr. Paul MacPherson at or the Program Coordinator, Dr. Elliott Faller at


There are two options available to apply for the Clinician Investigator Program:

Graduate Studies option: undertaking the CIP while registered in a graduate degree program.

Post-Graduate Studies option: for those who have already completed a graduate degree and wish to further their research career development.

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